Saturday, November 28, 2015

Flashback Archive data for keep history of all changes (FDA)

Flashback Data Archive provides the automated ability to track and store all transactional changes to a table over its lifetime without having to build this intelligence into your application.Flashback Data Archive uses a background process fbda to capture data asynchronously.

Creating a Flashback Data Archive (lets call it FBDA)
·  Create a new tablespace or use existing tablespace – tablespace needs to be ASSM
·  Specify the FBDA as the default (optional)
·  Assign a quota for the FBDA (optional)
·  Assign a retention period for the FBDA
·  Retention period integer denoting days,months or years
·  Enable flashback archive for a specific table via the CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE clause. By default it is turned off.    

SQL> create tablespace historical_data_01;
Tablespace created.

SQL>  create flashback archive fba1 tablespace historical_data_01 retention 2 DAY;

Flashback archive created.


SQL> select flashback_archive_name,to_char(create_time,'dd-mon-yyyy') created,retention_in_days,status from dba_flashback_archive;
                FLASHBACK_ARCHIVE_NAME            CREATED                       RETENTION_IN_DAYS  STATUS
    ---------------------- --------         -----------------          ----------------------     -------------------------------------   ------------------
                          FBA1                                      28-nov-2015                                                                2          


SQL> grant flashback archive on fba1 to sys;
SQL> create table vahid(id number,name varchar2(50));
SQL>  insert into vahid(id,name) values(1,'Alex');
1 row created.

SQL> commit;

SQL> alter table vahid flashback archive fba1;


SQL> select table_name ,flashback_archive_name,archive_table_name,status from user_flashback_archive_tables;

    ----------  ----------------------  -------------------   --------
      VAHID                FBA1                      SYS_FBA_HIST_221804      ENABLED


 SQL>insert into vahid(id,name) values(2,'Anjel');

SQL>  select to_char(sysdate,'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') date_system from dual;

            28-11-2015 14:45:51


 SQL>update vahid set name='vahid' where ID=2;

  SQL> select * from vahid;

            ID         NAME
             1            Alex
             2           vahid


SQL> select * from vahid as of timestamp to_timestamp('28-11-2015 14:45:00','dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss');

            ID         NAME
             1          Alex
              2        Anjel

Now you can see history of changing record with ID=2.

For dropping flashback archive  :

SQL> drop flashback archive fba1;
SQL> drop tablespace historical_data_01;

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