Sunday, November 15, 2015

Apply logs on standby system with time delay or lag

We would like the standby database running with a delay or lag, for example 4 hours. 

The primary database will transport all archive-information to the standby-Server at once = normaly. But the standby database applies the changes always 4 hours later. So, if we recognize a problem like a bad Update/delete,... we will open the standby in read only mode and read the old, correct data.

Default value: 0
Description: This creates a lag time between the archiving of a redo log at the primary database and the application of the log on the standby database.

Note that the archive logs are still transferred to the standby server as normal without delay.
To turn off APPLY_DELAY_LAG_MINUTES, set to 0.
set in spfile :

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