An AWR Report shows data captured
between two snapshots (or two points in time).The AWR reports are divided into
multiple sections. The HTML report includes links that can be used to navigate
quickly between sections.
You can generate AWR reports
using Oracle Enterprise Manager and by running SQL scripts, as described in the
following sections:
A. Generating an AWR Report
B. Generating an Oracle RAC AWR
C. Generating an AWR Report on a
Specific Database Instance
D. Generating an Oracle RAC AWR
Report on Specific Database Instance
E. Generating an AWR Report for a
SQL Statement
F. Generating an AWR Report for a
SQL Statement on a Specific Database Instance
To run these scripts, you must be granted the DBA role.
A. Generating an AWR Report
At the SQL prompt, enter:
SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/awrrpt.sql
Enter value for report_type: html
Enter value for num_days: 2
Enter value for begin_snap: 26142
Enter value for end_snap: 26164
Enter value for report_name: awrrpt_26142_26164.html
B. Generating an Oracle RAC AWR Report
At the SQL prompt, enter:
Enter value for num_days: 2
Enter value for begin_snap: 26142
Enter value for end_snap: 26164
Enter value for report_name: awrrpt_RAC_26142_26164.html
C. Generating an AWR Report on a Specific Database
SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/awrrpti.sql
Instances in this Workload Repository schema
DB Id Inst Num DB Name Instance Host
------------ -------- ------------ ------------ ------------
* 1328410674 1
ORCL orcl1 css-db-test-
1328410674 2 ORCL orcl2 css-db-test-
Using 1328410674 for database Id
Enter value for inst_num: 1
Using 1 for instance number
Enter value for num_days: 2
Enter value for begin_snap: 26142
Enter value for end_snap: 26164
Enter value for report_name: awrrpt_26142_26164.html
D. Generating an Oracle RAC AWR Report on Specific
Database Instance
Specify the Report Type
Would you like an HTML report, or a plain text report?
Enter 'html' for an HTML report, or 'text' for plain text
Defaults to 'html'
Type Specified: html
Instances in this Workload Repository schema
DB Id Inst Num DB Name Instance Host
------------ -------- ------------ ------------ ------------
* 1328410674 1
ORCL orcl1 css-db-test-
* 1328410674 2
ORCL orcl2
Enter value for dbid: 1328410674
Enter value for num_days: 2
Enter value for begin_snap: 26142
Enter value for end_snap: 26164
Enter value for report_name: awrrpt_RAC_26142_26164.html
E. Generating an AWR Report for a SQL Statement
Enter value for report_type: html
Enter value for num_days: 2
Enter value for begin_snap: 26142
Enter value for end_snap: 26164
Enter value for sql_id: 2b064udsjh1l
Enter value for report_name: awrrpt_1_26142_26164.html
F. Generating an AWR Report for a SQL Statment on a
Specific Database Instance
Enter value for report_type: html
Type Specified: html
Instances in this Workload Repository schema
DB Id Inst Num DB Name Instance Host
------------ -------- ------------ ------------ ------------
* 1328410674 1
ORCL orcl1 css-db-test-
1328410674 2 ORCL orcl2 css-db-test-
Enter value for dbid: 1328410674
Enter value for inst_num: 1
Enter value for num_days: 2
Enter value for begin_snap: 26142
Enter value for end_snap: 26164
Enter value for sql_id: 2b064udsjh1l
Enter value for report_name: awrrpt_1_26142_26164.html
Generating Automatic Workload Repository Compare Periods Reports:
While an AWR report shows AWR data between two snapshots (or
two points in time), the AWR Compare periods report shows the difference
between two periods (or two AWR reports, which equates to four snapshots).
Using the AWR Compare Periods report helps you to identify detailed performance
attributes and configuration settings that differ between two time priods.
A. Generating an AWR Compare
Periods Report
B. Generating an Oracle RAC AWR
Compare Periods Report
C. Generating an AWR Compare
Periods Report on a Specific Database Instance
D. Generating an Oracle RAC AWR
Compare Periods Report on Specific Database Instance
A. Generating an AWR Compare
Periods Report
Enter value for report_type: html
Enter value for num_days: 2
Enter value for begin_snap: 26142
Enter value for end_snap: 26164
Specify the number of days for which you want to list
snapshot IDs in the second time period.
Enter value for num_days2: 1
Enter value for begin_snap2: 26156
Enter value for end_snap2: 26164
Enter value for report_name: awrdiff_1_26142_26164.html
B. Generating an Oracle RAC AWR Compare Periods Report
Enter value for report_type: html
Enter value for num_days: 2
Enter value for begin_snap: 26142
Enter value for end_snap: 26164
Specify the number of days for which you want to list
snapshot IDs in the second time period.
Enter value for num_days2: 1
Enter value for begin_snap2: 26156
Enter value for end_snap2: 26164
Enter value for report_name: awrracdiff_1_26142_26164.html
C. Generating an AWR Compare
Periods Report on a Specific Database Instance
Enter value for report_type: html
Instances in this Workload Repository schema
DB Id Inst Num DB Name Instance Host
------------ -------- ------------ ------------ ------------
* 1328410674 1
ORCL orcl1 css-db-test-
1328410674 2 ORCL orcl2 css-db-test-
Database Id and Instance Number for the First Pair of
Enter value for dbid: 1328410674
Enter value for inst_num: 1
Enter value for num_days: 2
Enter value for begin_snap: 26142
Enter value for end_snap: 26164
Enter value for dbid2: 1328410674
Enter value for inst_num2: 2
Enter value for num_days2: 2
Enter value for begin_snap2: 26152
Enter value for end_snap2: 26165
Enter value for report_name: awrdiff_1_26142_26164.html
D. Generating an Oracle RAC
AWR Compare Periods Report on Specific Database Instance
Enter value for report_type: html
Enter value for dbid: 1328410674
Enter value for instance_numbers_or_all: 1
Enter value for num_days: 2
Enter value for begin_snap: 26138
Enter value for end_snap: 26165
Enter value for dbid2: 1328410674
Enter value for instance_numbers_or_all2: 2
Enter value for num_days2: 2
Enter value for begin_snap: 26138
Enter value for end_snap: 26165
Enter value for report_name: awrracdiff_1_26142_26164.html
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